Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ovation's Audience Feedback App

Looking for ways to spice up your presentations? A new app called Ovation aims to get the audience involved and give you valuable feedback on your performance.

Here’s how it works: Each event gets its own URL that audience members can open on their smartphone browsers. Then, throughout the presentation, they can simply slide a button up or down to indicate how much they’re enjoying the show (the two extremes are Love It and Hate It). A line graph will appear showing them how their individual responses compare to those of other audience members. As the presenter, you can watch live results during your presentation to tailor your content accordingly. Or, if that’s too nerve-wracking, you can download the feedback in chart form to analyze afterwards.

Ovation, which works on iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and Android devices, is in free beta testing. For now, it only works with audiences of up to 10 people, though it says it is willing to work with users to accomodate larger crowds. Check out the app's FAQ page for more information.


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