Thursday, January 27, 2011

News@8pm: PSP 2 officially unveiled and BBC iPlayer app

Sony PSP 2: After much speculation and conjecture as to the spec and appearance of Sony’s update to the PlayStation Portable, official details including pictures were finally released following an unveiling today. A software update was also released from Sony HQ in the past 24 hours offering a minor security patch for the PlayStation 3 the only addition after fears of hackers taking advantage of software vulnerabilities.


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HTC Desire 2: Just weeks away from MWC ’11, leaks of a possible Desire 2 from HTC have been seen after a picture of the smartpone was taken on a subway. This comes after plans for a HTC tablet was suggested this week. One phone that definitely will be launched at MWC in Barcelona is the Samsung Galaxy 2 but a leaked press conference schedule has revealed an update to the Samsung Galaxy Tab is to be unveiled too.


A BBC iPlayer app is finally coming to iPhone and iPad according to reports and is said to be available from the end of February after plans for such an app were announced a year ago and given the go-ahead by the Beeb six months later. Sky’s 3D channel is said to already be watched by half of the UK’s 3D TV owners according to the channel's director with 70,000 customers signing up in the first few months.


Details of Dell’s future tablet plans have been unveiled showing the Dell Streak 7, a 7-inch tablet version of the 5-inch Streak phone, set to be on Android 2.2. Whilst Dell is breaking from its norm, Apple is planning a refresh of its cash cow, the MacBook Pro with 15 and 17-inc models set for an upgrade.

Posted by T3 Online


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