Friday, January 28, 2011

BlackBerry Messenger 6 to have social gaming built in?

Rumours are afoot that RIM is set to overall the popular BlackBerry Messenger platform to include social gaming for the first time.


The SMS service which allows BlackBerry smartphone users to engage in group SMS chats and share pictures in a sort of secret BlackBerry club that the rest of civilisation is allowed no part is one that BlackBerry users have flouted in the face of the supersonic smartphones - even though it's not that big of a deal.


Up until now, the service has been all business, in true BlackBerry style, but reports emerging from an Indonesian source suggest that games and fun-times are on the way, with Gameatchi said to be developing for the platform.


According to the reports, BBM6 users will be able to use their username as a gamertag, and when tasks are completed in these games it will show up in the user's status. It is also suggested that the new BBM, for phones running BlackBerry OS 5 and upwards, will enable larger group chats and cross chats between users.


No word yet on when the new iteration of the App will be available, but it looks like RIM is ready to throw the shackles off it's BlackBerry handsets like a drunken rendez-vous at an office party.

Link: Pocketberry



Posted by Chris Smith


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